A Thousand Words More Or Less….

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADone on the press but not with the press!   It has been a while since I did any drawing, and an opportunity just happened to come along.  That being our belated observance of The Ascension in church yesterday.  A picture being worth somewhere in the vicinity of a thousand words more or less, I thought it would be an idea to start with a rather traditional conception of what happened.  To that end, I Googled an image that I thought I could redraw in a couple of hours or so — something manageable — and this was it.  No name attached to it, but it looks like one that might have been used as one of those ‘warm fuzzy’ producing Sunday School posters from the early to mid 1900’s.

Having printed it off on an 8 1/2 x 11 inch piece of paper, I gridded it of and redrew it on this 25 x 38 inch sheet and then went at it with the chalk pastels.  No work of art, and the faces should have been worked more, but it served the purpose as far as church went and it showed me that I really need to do some drawing…….