A Snow Day!!!….


A Snow Day!!! — no church!!! I feel like a kid with a school cancellation.  Unfortunately, the work’s been done and the time been spent preparing.  Not a waste,though — never a waste — it all goes into the ‘stew’ that sits on the back-burner for future Sundays. That being said, today does make for a break in continuity, as far as Sundays go.

The day, though, has not been a waste.  I got a little exercise with true eight or ten (maybe twelve) inches of snow that was waste high at the end of true driveway where the plough had gone by.  It was light snow and easy shovelling — left me feeling pretty good as opposed to pretty bad.  When I came in I set down at the computer here and was inspired to put some loose plans to the upcoming season of Lent.  I’d like to do something a little special that might interest others than myself, although I have been told in the past that if I’m going to do something, make sure I’m ok with doing it for myself. So, I now have some possible plans for Lent — from Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras Day) tip Easter Sunday. Whether or not I’m able to flesh them out and carry through with them is another thing!

I also got a start on ordering the pictures of the garage/studio renovation which I found a few pictures for.  I wish I had more.  I really mixed out on a lot of the renovation process, but I’ve some of the high spots. I hope to get them all in order and publish a link to them on this blog.

And, I also put some more thoughts to the latest little project that may be more of a diversion than anything, but it has me excited and if I can make it happen will be the end of something I started thinking about last year.  That being a version of an old fashioned hand press, whether would or iron, and in this case wood.  Not that I need another press, but…..!

Anyway, as the story goes, number one son has a project in his post-medieval literature class that involves him doing a reproduction of a fifteenth century woodcut and I thought it would be good if he could print it on a variation of a fifteenth century press. So, I’ve been drawing a set of ‘working’ plans.  The press will not be authentic but will be a practical 2014 version that I can, or think I can, construct.

Wood, I can work with, but I will need to hire out the metal work required.  Here are the plans to this point….I’ve already rethought them to some extent, though, but that is still in my head…